writing has always been an arduous task for me. the idea of committing to the words on the page and sending it off for the world to see is daunting to me. for the past year or so, i've been taking baby steps to get my writing unstuck. of course, i credit my good friend brenda melles, who sat with me week after week as i wrestled with the words in front of me.
i've also been reading lot's of material on writing and presenting. i just ordered a new book called resonate, by nancy duarte. it is an amazing book in that it walks the reader through the creative process for narrowing down ideas, for clarifying messages and developing key arguments. it also has brainstorming exercises to help find imagery, stories, themes to make the presentation more appealing to the audience. the book is about presentations, but the logic applies to writing as well. i followed the steps and i was so pleased with the results. for the first time, i could see so clearly what i wanted to say, how my arguments built on each other. i also had a unifying theme that connected the paper together. this is progress!

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