Typical Scottish fare includes haggis. A giant sausage, the size of a large grapefruit, made of oatmeal, minced onions and sheep's meat, including heart, lungs and liver. Nothing goes to waste. The taste reminds me of meat pie that my grandmother used to make. It must have been the spices used in both recipes.

Haggis used to be stuffed inside a sheep's stomach. But nowadays with the new EU legislation, it is not the case anymore. The haggis has been sterilized. But you can still get a big slice with your morning scottish breakfast.
Any takers?
If it means we can back in Scotland, we'll both take it! John was a fan when he had it. It was okay in my books.
we went to a special restaurant for haggis (more on this in a later blog). everyone loved it -- although we didn't exactly tell the kids what it was!