Wednesday 16 February 2011

Sherwood Forest

North of Nottingham is the royal Sherwood Forest, home of thelegendary Robin Hood. We made our way there, about an hour before sunset, the unofficial closing time for the park.

Sherwood used to be hunting grounds for the privileged, offering unlimited opportunities, as you know, for Robin and his merry men to steal from the riches and give to the poor.

Numerous very old oak trees can still be found in the forest, even the one that Robin used as a hideout. The Major Oak is more than one thousand years old. The larger branches are braced in order to prevent the tree from breaking down. Needless to say that one cannot climb this famous tree.

We picked up branches from the ground and started pretending we were shooting the bow and arrow at the Sheriff of Nottingham . We climbed on the fences along the path to hide. A well deserved adventure after a day riding in the car...

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