i don't know if any of you heard, but ireland has been really hit by the recession. not as hard as greece or iceland, but they have nevertheless been teetering on the brink of collapse. it is evident that the financial situation is very much a part of everyone's immediate reality. from the cab driver who brought us home from the airport, to the immigration officer, and the neighbors on the street. no one can help but mention it. families are being squeezed. traditional roles are being reversed as many men lost their jobs and have turned to staying at home because the women can bring in a more stable paycheck. the local newspaper is filled with stories of people turning to petty theft or other illegal activities because they couldn't make ends meet. it is also filled with stories of how local youth services and various local services are being cancelled because funding has been cut. what is more, tourism this summer has gone down by one million visitors this summer. so please, do your part to inject money into the irish economy, have a guiness, buy a garden gnome, or consider coming to visit us this year. together we can make a difference.

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