you might not know this about me, but i am terribly afraid of heights. since i've become a mother, that fear extends to my kids so that when they are on higher ground, i get palpitations. so i was slightly dreading going to see the cliffs of moher with the kids. not because it isn't beautiful -- it is worth seeing indeed. but because i had vivid memories of all the danger signs posted around the cliffs when eric and i visited ten years ago.

back then, i also witnessed kids running around on the ledge playing tag, right at the spot in this picture below. it was unbelievable. unbelievably scary -- and they weren't even my own kids!
the paths leading around the cliffs were so close to the ledge that one false step could prove to be disastrous.
but, i would not deprive my kids of the experience. so when we arrived at the cliffs, we stayed in the car for 10 minutes talking about "rules" before i would let them anywhere near the cliffs. when we arrived, i was so relieved that the government actually has secured the ledge, it is now protected by big bolders. the pictures above are taken from the boulder wall so that people can no longer go onto the ledge or the platform. they had too many unfortunate accidents in the past. what a relief for me! i could enjoy the view and the kids could run around and explore the various views of the cliffs. here are some samples of the view. in the one with the tower, notice the stone walls around the area. love them!
Je me rappelle il y a 10 avoir été stupéfait par la simple affiche qui disait:
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the Cliffs of Moher - Please do not go past this sign
malgré cela les gens s'avançaient jusqu'au bord du bord
I feel the same way Rachel! I had a smile the whole time I read this post.
Thanks Sharon. I'm so happy to hear that I'm not the only mom who extends her fears onto her kids -- some of the time...