we had a lovely flight. all three kids fell asleep the whole 6hr flight. we arrived at our home at 11am. we kept the kids up until 5pm, then went to bed. magalie, colin and i all woke up at around the same time 8h45. i took them downstairs to let eric and alexi sleep. we had breakfast, the sun was coming out. they played in the playroom for about an hour, i noticed that it was getting darker, not lighter outside. i started to get suspicious.
i looked on my computer which still posts the time in kingston, it was 4pm... i switched the time to Dublin time, and that's when i realized it was 10h in the evening, not in the morning.
off to bed again so we can get back onto the irish clock... the kids didn't like it!
because i had some tea for "breakfast", it took me a bit of time to go back to sleep. enough to start over thinking and i began to feel a bit of panic, faced with the reality of what i had done -- moved my entire family to a random suburb in the middle of nowhere. i am excited but a bit scared as well. not only is my internal clock scrambled, so our my feelings!
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